Thursday, January 15, 2009

Frog Tree, Fingerless, Fair Isle

These fingerless gloves are one of my projects at the moment.These are a great example of what happens when I( and maybe some other knitters out there) get an idea, pick some pretty yarn and just start knitting. A plan you say; why would I have a plan ? Who needs a plan ? Pattern? What pattern? Who needs patterns? I'm sure I can figure it out. No problem. Well, in all honesty these did not get me into much trouble and I love doing colorwork. Although ;they are a bold fashion statement, and I mean NOT subtle. Sometimes ;in fashion ,you better be ready with attitude , confidence, fearlessness, beauty(comes from inside) and guts to pull something off. Do these gloves warrant all of this? Probably not, but I bet someone could pull them off on the catwalk. Hey I can dream.


  1. E,

    thanks for running into my blog!
    very productive this "middle-crisis"
    keep on blogging your great stuff!


  2. Stripes and freewheeling fairisle? Sound great to me. I'll be checking in to see where they take you. Best, Cristina

  3. Hello - welcome to blogland! Thankyou for dropping by and leaving a comment :)

  4. Wow. Those are great. You put my intarsia stuff to shame. Big time!
